We strive for perfection each day, with badly seized calipers, solving problems with sticking and squeaky brakes, no matter how rusty your calipers are, we perform a complete remanufacturing service with the option for our high-end paint upgrade. Each rebuild comes with lifetime function warranty.
Get a quote nowWith a measure twice, cut once approach to a caliper refurbishment, we ensure we cover ever aspect of the service. These days we do much more than we used to, we are forever learning and developing new ideas and improving the process of caliper refurbishment. Our current process as below.
Total dis-assemble of your unit.
Total degrease on our pretty fancy degreasing machine
Air dry parts for inspection
Generate report for parts department so they can pick or source parts for rebuild.
Generate report for parts department so they can pick or source parts for rebuild.
Our parts department will call you to confirm service, add-ons, payment, shipping & any other issues
Once approval is confirmed with you, your calipers will move around our workshop as follows
Total shot-blast to bare metal. Unless original coating needs to be maintained, please make a note of this in your package with your calipers so we know early on.
Total shot-blast to bare metal. Unless original coating needs to be maintained, please make a note of this in your package with your calipers so we know early on.
Ferrous materials are then soaked in a de-rusting solution until the painter is ready to add your free or upgrade coating. The de-rusting solution also means that it dissolves anything the shot-blaster may have missed.
Our painter then applies your desired coating, standard re-man coating, Aviation Polymer or High-End Paint.
By this time, the parts department have usually matched and picked your parts, any brake caliper parts not stocked are sourced from trusted suppliers. We are very fussy on materials used, so beware of cheaper alternatives (eBay etc.)
By this time, the parts department have usually matched and picked your parts, any brake caliper parts not stocked are sourced from trusted suppliers. We are very fussy on materials used, so beware of cheaper alternatives (eBay etc.)
The rebuild technician then re-assembles them with your new parts as necessary. As standard we replace all rubber components within the quoted price, if pistons required these are billed separately. Piston failure rate is 13% (based on last 12 months).
We pressure test up to 2,500 psi on our brake testing rig. Bear in mind that in an emergency brake some vehicles are capable of generating over 2,000 psi.
The are then cleaned up and placed on our QC area for inspection by management before a QC passed sticker is placed on your paperwork, they are then packaged up and ready for dispatch.
The are then cleaned up and placed on our QC area for inspection by management.
A QC passed sticker is placed on your paperwork, they are then packaged up and ready for dispatch.
Once dispatched, you will get an automatically generated email and SMS with your tracking number and delivery date.
We know that some customers don’t need a complete brake caliper refurbishment (also known as re-manufacture), so we have introduced a more budget option where we simply solve the problem of a seized caliper and get it working again. This way you can be back on the road much quicker.
Everything as per the piston Un-Seize & Repair Service and so much more…
Depending on the caliper coating you choose, whether the remanufacture basic gunmetal grey, our standard paint service or our high-end painting service. You’ll receive a LIFETIME WARRANTY on the function of your brakes. Even our most basic paint is far better than the industry standard electroplate or zinc passivate and even the coloured coating on many well known brake calipers.
The the full service description for the complete Brake Caliper Refurbishment, also known as re-manufacture
Whether you know it or not, when you replace your brake caliper(s) through a garage or you buy them from main dealer or an part factors, it is almost guaranteed to be a caliper that has been re-manufactured by a company who does millions of them each year. You probably think they are new, but they are actually several years old at least (vehicle depending).
There is nothing wrong with this, in fact you are contributing to saving the planets resources, so actually this is great! However, now imagine a company re-manufacturing 1 million calipers per year, if you they are able to save £1 per caliper on using cheap caliper parts, the company makes an extra £1,000,000 per year. Still a good option?
We don’t work on millions per year, we celebrated our 10,000th customer in year 6 of business and we’re approaching year 8 now. That’s a lot of experience, but unlike big re-manufacturing companies, every caliper we work on is for a customer we have spoken to on the phone and we do it it the way they want and it meets their needs.
Standard Brake Caliper Paint - Superior alternative to Powder Coating Brake Calipers
An improved optin to brake caliper powder coating. The finish is very similar to a good quality powder coat, but better suited to cope with the heat and abrasion, the gloss is great too.
Colour Options: Post box red, Silver, Gunmetal and Black.
You will get a LIFETIME WARRANTY on the function of your caliper and a 1 year warranty on the paint finish.
This is the bees knee's of coatings. You'll get a LIFETIME WARRANTY on both the function and paint finish of your calipers.
So if the paint flakes, burns, melts or corrosion is ever present, we'll re-work them again for no charge at all and we will even pay for shipping both ways.
Caliper Paint Colours: Anything, we can match to any standard automotive colour code, BS and RAL codes and most Pantone references too.
Our caliper paint truly is an awesome creation! It can cope with the heat produced when braking, abrasion of brake dust flying around and even wheel acid. If you've seen painted OEM (original) calipers flake, this is usually acid related, it won't happen with our paint.